As mentioned in last week’s blog post, many people don’t really know about the stories behind many of the products we make. So, here is part 2 to the magic behind some of the first creations we came up with just for our customers.
All of the images shared with you here were taken by our staff on the same day of production. They are authentic and were not taken by a professional photographer. These images will give you a sense of want went on behind the scenes way before the treats ended up in our displays and on our menus.

The first Clown Caramel Apple made in the store was for a very special birthday party. Until today we don’t know who the celebrant was. It was a big secret to keep their identity hidden but at the time we didn’t know.

It happened one afternoon last March when a customer entered the shop and asked to speak with the manager. She had many questions about our candies and freshly made Caramel Apples and Red Candy Apples. She was also very intrigued by our handmade fudge, but she just couldn’t get over the excitement of knowing we could customize our caramel apples to match her party theme. She told the manager that she was planning a big birthday party and that she needed some assistance. After buying some fudge and caramel apples to take to her customer to sample, she promised that she would return in a few days with some finalized ideas.

A few days passed before the event manager came back. This time she wanted to know what candy we carried that would fit a carnival theme. After asking her some specific details about the nature of the party we agreed to come up with some ideas that would fit a carnival theme. The staff put their creative minds together and created the sweetest Caramel Apple that looked like the happiest clown ever! Our customer fell in love with it and to our surprise put in an order for 200 Clown Caramel Apples in addition to 200 Red Candy Apples.
Within days, all 400 apples were made and ready to go! It was the most incredible scene ever to see all those apples set on the cold white marble counters of the shop, ready to be packaged and delivered. It was so nice to hear from the event manager the next day telling us what a wonderful success the event had been. The Sugarfied & Co. team was so proud to be fulfilling our mission of making sweet memories for our customers and look forward to keep doing just that.

Come unleash your sweet creativity with us at Sugarfied & Co. If you have a theme for a special party or just need help with one let us inspire you. You can also check out our website or online menu for ideas and inspiration any time, any day.

Stay tuned to Part 3 of Sweet Creations in our next blog post. Download our online ordering app using the links below:
Or place your order online through our website.